Counseling Services in Idaho Falls, ID


About Our Clinic

Experts in Personal Counseling

If you are in need of an Idaho Healthcare professional to treat and support depression, anxiety, trauma, anger, relationships, addictions and more - Pettingill Counseling Services, PC is the choice for you. We provide individuals with ongoing assessments, evaluation and feedback, assisting them through their time of need. When you meet with us, we can provide you with information on many health topics such as: behavioral health, child and youth health, depression, bipolar, addictions, anxiety, PTSD, OCD and many others. Behavioral health resources, tools and articles are available by asking your therapist. Call Today to Schedule Your Appointment 208-542-9919.

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Life Changing Therapists

Our Approach
Our counselors can assist individuals in reducing stress associated with any personal, family or relationship issue.
If you currently have a negative patter, behavior, or issue that you would like to change, we may be able to assist you. Clinical studies have shown that when an individual releases emotions associated with negative patterns, then change can begin. Over the course of each session, self-defeating behaviors decrease on both a conscious and the sub-conscious level, allowing change. Individuals report an increase in self-worth and a significant decrease in negative thoughts, behaviors and emotions. Therapy has provided excellent results in teens, adults, and children age 5 and older. Our mission is to help people live their lives to the fullest. We are committed to recovery, resiliency and person-centered care. This includes assisting and supporting people in learning to manage their behavioral health and wellness challenges. Our practices are anchored in the belief that people are able to rebound from trauma, other stresses.

Happy Patients


Branches in City


Qualified Therapists


Combined Experience